'66 Sears Gilera 124cc
This is my dad working on his Gilera in '67

Wheelie Mama
This my mom in '67 on a Sears Gilera in what looks like a wheelie. My dad propped the bike up on the centerstand and tilted the bike back while spinning the front wheel for some hi tech '60's special effects.

Gilera Warfare
This is a neighbor set up for the same stunt. I don't think he had to lean back as far as my mom wink wink.

Sears 106cc with Honda Seat
Taken in '67 this is a 106cc with a minor seat mod.

'70 Honda CB750 in '77
This is a picture of my mom back in '67 standing next to my dads '70 CB750K in the aqua blue color. They were on a road trip in Madison, Indiana

Bug Off
My Uncle Steve cleans his windshield in Madison, Indiana on a road trip with my parents and My Aunt Phillis and Uncle Chuck. This picture was taken in '77 and the bike in front is a '73 Z1 900, the next is a '70 CB750 and a '75 CB750K in the rear.

Don't Touch the Threads!
This is 1980 and another road trip. This one shows my dads '78 KZ1000B LTD that he had recently bought. The bike on the right is the same Z1 900 from the last picture and you can see the '75 CB750 That was almost hidden in the back